TSS – Tire Scan Station

3D profile measuring system for single tires

The TireScanStation is a stationary, laser-based 3D profile measuring system, which allows contactless and automated measurement of tread depths and tread wear on wheels or tires

After that, the TireScan evaluation software analyzes the recorded tread, automatically indicates any irregularities in the tire tread and finally issues a detailed service recommendation. At the same time as the profile measurement, a high-resolution image of the tire or complete wheel can be taken using an optionally available camera system. The data acquisition can be performed as a single wheel or as a complete project in the format of a vehicle set.

Furthermore, it is possible to digitally capture and document additional conditions of wheels and tires, such as existing damage to the tire sidewall. In addition, the TireScanMobile application allows the recording of tire informations and taking images at different workstations. This guarantees convenient and variable documentation of the vehicle tires to be recorded.

Finally, the information obtained is graphically processed in a PDF protocol and presented in a way that is easily understandable for everyone. The TireScan evaluation software uses the familiar “red – yellow – green” color gradation. The limit values of the relevant gradation can be freely defined by the TSS user.

In addition to the possibility of saving the acquired measurement data locally, the adaptable interface of the TireScan software allows the measurement data to be conveniently and automatically transferred to an existing management system at the end of each measurement process.

The conclusion of the users of the TSS is already extremely positive after a short period of use. With the start of use of the TSS, measurement inaccuracies are no longer present.

In addition, the service recommendations and the images of the individual wheel/tire combinations are a welcome indicators to see if the vehicle tires need to be replaced or to get other follow-up orders, such as rim repairs.

  • Max. Tire width: 550 mm
  • Max. Resolution: 0,1 mm
  • Max. Tread depth: 50 mm
  • Measuring width: 80 mm
  • Scanning time: 3 seconds
  • Format export data: XML / JPG / PDF
  • Laser class: 2M / red laser