The DynaPrep is designed to bevel, cut, single point, counterbore, and face flanges on tubing and pipe ranging from 0.5 to 120 inches O.D. on the majority of wall thicknesses and materials.SPR is proud to offer the DynaPrep split frame in three product ranges:
- SDSF (Small Diameter Split Frames) is used for cutting, beveling, and counterboring piping and tubing from 0.5” O.D.
- MDSF (Medium Diameter Split Frames) is also known as Modular Design Split Frames. This product range is DynaPrep’s most popular and versatile line. It can cut, bevel, face, counterbore, and flange face. It is available in 16 standard model sizes, which range in pipe sizes from 2”-72” O.D.
- LDSF (Large Diameter Split Frame) for cutting, beveling, counterboring, and facing everything from vessels and pipes to heat exchangers. LDSFs are available in four sizes within the range of 60”-120” O.D.