Live and historical data detailing throughput, by machine / operator / placement head / period is combined with technical data showing feeder and component attrition data.The ability to have multiple stations reporting remotely, with export tools for trend analysis, means PROMON is really the only tool you’ll need to monitor and maximise line performance.Monitor and control production in real time, enabling the operator to take immediate decision and prevent unnecessary machine stops. Check line efficiency, can be installed on different computers. A running diagram of system status is updated virtually ‘as it happens’. Any deviation from production targets is detected immediately allowing fast corrective action.
Lines located in different locations can be monitored.With all data being automatically archived PROMON provides users with a powerful tool to assess efficiency, incidents and component consumption over specified time periods. Review by individual machine or whole lines and by single or multiple production batches is all fully selectable.Traceability function allows the search and analysis of data recorded in the traceability files created by the Total Traceability option on the machines. Find easily the fully detailed placement reports of the products, searching by product code, product batch, board serial number, item code or item batch.
Real time production and machine performance feedback is essential in today’s manufacturing environments. PROMON provides all the information required to give operators and managers the confidence to monitor and improve their production process.